I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Ours came and went so quickly, but it was a great day with family and good food. I tried out the Pioneer Woman Mashed Potatoes, and they were delicious! The only problem was that I made 10 lbs. of them. I’m not sure why there was such a disconnect between my brain and the potato peeler, but I must’ve thought I was feeding an entire army of people or something. I made WAY too much, and, sadly, threw about half of it away a few days later. Oh well, at least I have a crappy cell phone picture to remind me of its short life span:
I also made baked macaroni and cheese – again, I made way too much!
I finished it up with this dessert – Pumpkin Crunch Cake. It was AMAZING! I’ll probably make this every Thanksgiving/Christmas (or Monday in June just because I want to eat it). It’s so easy, there aren’t many ingredients, and it’s a hit!
We spent the day at Joe’s grandmother’s house. She has a lot of acreage, so Anna got to spend the day riding on a golf cart with all of us.
Anna with Paw Paw Bruce
Joe and his mom
My cute husband!
Our only family photo!
Anna with Maw Maw and Uncle Chris (and her slinky)
Enjoying the leaves
21 weeks and counting…
Here’s where we are this week:
Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.
Content and images are from babycenter.com
How far along: 21 weeks
Total weight gain: +13.5 total. This is +3 from last week. I blame Thanksgiving and my insatiable appetite. I figure I’m over halfway done at this point. I gained 30 lbs. total with Anna, but I had her at 37 weeks. I guess I’m on track for the same gain with this baby. I just looked at the weight gain calculator, and I’m exactly on track. So, YAY!
Sleep habits: Since the baby refuses to move from my bladder, this means I have to pee every 30 minutes all day, all night. I can always fall back asleep quickly if it’s before 3 a.m. After 3 a.m., which I have lovingly deemed as my baby witching hour, I have a super hard time falling back asleep. My mind is racing about everything, and the only cure, besides cowbell, is watching The Golden Girls. This has become my nightly (or early morning hours) routine.
Maternity clothes: Yep, wearing ‘em and enjoying ‘em. It’s especially nice to wear full-panel pants on Thanksgiving day. I may make this an annual tradition even when I’m not pregnant.
Now ask me if the clothes look cute on me. Nope, they don’t.
This is because my bump has somehow mysteriously disappeared. Never mind, it’s not a mystery. The reason it has disappeared is because my son is trying to fall out. He just refuses to move up.
Do you see what I’m talking about? I am 20 weeks here.
Believe it or not, he was even lower than that throughout most of my ultra-sound.
While Anna was pretty low initially and in the last few weeks, she was middle-of-the-road for the most part. So, my bump was nicely shaped and in a good position. Right now I have a FUPA. Iz sexy.
Best moment of the week: Thanksgiving was great! Getting to spend the day with Joe’s family and seeing how happy Anna was really made my entire week. It was such a beautiful day, too – perfect weather – chilly, but not too cold. Sunny.
Food cravings: Fortunately, I’ve actually been craving decent stuff this week. Apples have been at the top of my list. So have salads. However, my salads are not very healthful for any human to consume, so that probably Xs out the good factor.
Mmmm. Cheese. Mmmm. Tons of Ranch Dressing. Mmmm. Lots of green olives.
Symptoms: I go from feeling tons of pressure on my bladder and having the inability to pee freely (sorry if that’s TMI) to having horrific sciatica. Since he’s so low, I get to pick and choose between those two experiences. The bladder pressure is the lesser of two evils, so I’m quite thankful my little bean has been camping out there for the past few days.
Other than those issues, I feel fantastic! Most days I’m full of energy. 2nd tri is bliss!
Movement: Most days he moves quite a bit. It’s pretty sporadic, though. Lots of kicks here and there and the nothing for a while. I have to shake my belly from time to time or talk loudly to wake him up. If I could just attach an ultra-sound machine to myself 24/7, I wouldn’t have to do such things!
What I’m looking forward to: Christmas with my family!
What I miss: There’s nothing I miss at the moment.
Next appointment: January 3rd. I had an appointment today (after I totally spaced and missed my appointment yesterday by accident), and everything checked out great. H/B was 149 average. He’s measuring on track. The u/s results were good. I won’t have to have the gestaional diabetes test until my 28th week, so I’m glad I don’t have to drink that nasty stuff anytime soon.
The fires in L.A.
1 week ago