We had an enjoyable, low-key celebration at our house. When I say low-key, I mean inexpensive. Since Anna is at a wonderful age where she knows nothing about iPods, iPads, Mac computers or $200 shoes, we were able to cheaply satisfy her Christmas wishes. She consistently asked for the following:
A blue slap watch
Lots of puzzles
We, er Santa, came through. Thanks to a wonderful online toy store and their super low Melissa & Doug prices and fast shipping (we got our order the next day!), Anna had a very happy Christmas. I got her other odds and ends things (crayons, markers, stickers – stuff like that) and made sure to wrap everything just to make it more fun for her to open it all up.
I was lacking in one department, though – the BIG gift. The WOW gift. The one that instantly catches her eye when she walks into the room. A blue slap watch and lots of puzzles wouldn’t do the trick, so I found an awesome little castle tent at CVS, of all places, to satisfy the big gift need. Oh, and it was $20. SCORE!

Unfortunately, Joe got to the cookies before I could take a before picture of them. Of course he didn’t eat the carrots, so I just put them back in the bag.

Anna made it half the night in her bed before waking me up at 4 a.m. She had a little accident, so the Santa pajamas that I so lovingly dressed her in that night were not able to be featured this year. That’s OK, these were a good alternative.
She was well aware that Ho Ho was coming that night, but when she came into our room, she made no mention of it at all. In fact, we all kind of overslept until about 8:30ish before we finally dragged ourselves out of bed to start Christmas day.

Oh, and this photo has nothing to do with Christmas, but if you’ll kindly remember the Hell Girl post I posted last week, I found this gem when I was unloading the pictures from my card.
Joe’s face says it all! This was right in the midst of the meth-like hysteria that Anna displayed most of the evening.
Don’t let that sweet face of hers fool you. That child was hell girl.
25 weeks and counting…
Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Images and content courtesy of babycenter.com
How far along: 25 weeks
Total weight gain: +17.5 total. This is +1 from last week. I was scared to step on the scale this week and was pleasantly surprised to see only 1 lb. after the major feast-eating I’ve been doing over the past few days.
Sleep habits: Still peeing every hour on the hour, but my sleep has been very peaceful, and I’m able to go back to sleep easily most nights. The nights where my mind starts racing, I turn on Golden Girls and am able to fall back asleep rather quickly. That show always makes me feel at peace.
Maternity clothes: They still fit, but now they’re fitting more like maternity clothes and less like clothes you wear on bloated days and still have room in them. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to use what I have for the remainder of my pregnancy without having to go out and buy anything new. I can still fit in regular tops, but I have a feeling those days are limited since my bump is growing now that the baby has officially moved up a little.
Since I love comparisons, here are side-by-side comparisons from week 25 with Anna and week 25 with Joseph. I’m carrying almost identically which is so odd to me! I may be a little rounder in the front with baby J.
I do apologize for lots of things: 1) My naked, white belly, 2) my pajamas and 3) my dirty mirror (in both sets).
I did spare you from my makeupless face, so be grateful!

Best moment of the week: Christmas was pretty cool. We got a few things for Joseph from my family, and it was so neat and precious to get little boy stuffs. We got some bath gear from my cousins, and an adorable little outfit from my aunt and uncle. I love, love, love it!
Food cravings: Sweets have been my craving this week. Mainly the cupcakes that I made for Joe’s 33rd birthday. He’s a Christmas baby, you know! I think he got maybe 3. Anna and I ate the other 21. :-|
Symptoms: I’ve been a little weepy lately, but I’m not sure if it’s baby-related or life-related. I’ve been having some mild cramping which I’m chalking up to growing pains with baby J. I know he’s definitely moving up in the world as I don’t feel him playing trampoline on my bladder much anymore. The heartburn I was having last week has subsided a bit, thankfully.
Movement: His kicks are much more intense and closer to the surface now. I can also see him rolling around in there which is pretty darn freaky.
What I’m looking forward to: I’m thinking about having a 3-d/4-d ultra-sound in January just to take a peek in on him again. I know I won’t be getting another one at my OB’s office, and there’s no way I can wait to see him until April. I did a 3-d u/s with Anna, but she didn’t cooperate the first time, so we had to go back. The best time, according to the calendar on the website I went to, is mid-January for me.
What I miss: I can’t think of anything that I miss right now.
Next appointment: January 5th. I still have to get to the Dr. to get the orange drink for my Gestational Diabetes test. Since Joe is off of work tomorrow, I may take a trip over there to get what I need. I’m not looking forward to this test at all.

Hey there! Just saw you were blogging again, and expecting? I am 28 weeks pregnant and due with a boy. Nice to see you in the blogging world again, hope you have a Happy New Year!!!
If you have a choice see if they have the lemon lime flavor for the glucose test, it's not as bad tasting. I had the pleasure of sampling all three of the flavors with my big fat fails.
#1 - all of the pictures of joe and anna are killing me dead. they're amazing.
#2 - i think i may look more pregnant than you. we could compare sometime. my belly would make yours look tan. i'm all about self-sacrifice to make other people feel good ;)
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