I held out for as long as I could without talking about American Idol, but it's time. I'm tweaking worse than a crack addict right now - I.must.talk.about.American.Idol.
Please don't leave.
So, let me start by saying that this season is frindiggin' incredible! The talent is, by far, the best I've ever seen on the show, and Paula is drunker than ever - another plus! I had high hopes that I'd love Kara this season, but she's turned out to be another lame mix of Snoop Dawg Randy and PAAula. Simon, as usual, is spot on with all of his remarks. If they could duplicate him, I'd be completely content.
I'm seriously counting down the days until the next American Idol concert. If you've been reading my blog or if you ever read my blogs on MySpace, you'll remember that Joe and I went to the Houston concert back during the Daughtry season. Here are some posts if you're interested - lots o' pics included!
American Idol I
American Idol II
American Idol III
This year my sister, her husband Trent and Joe are going to be going with me to the concert in Memphis. I like to get in touch with my bumpkin trash roots every now and then and tour Graceland (we've been twice). :blush: So, I figured why not go tour Casa de Elvis and catch the AI show in one fell swoop? <---- I've never said that phrase once in my entire life. I can dig it.
My favorites this season are Adam, Danny, Matt and Kris. I think Adam is going to win and Danny will come in second. Matt is probably going home next week, unfortunately and then Kris will go home the following week. Know how I know? Miss Cleo told me so.

So, what're your predictions? Leave me some comments and let me know. Comments are delicious.

I totally agree. Adam is gonna take it home. I like the redhead - what's her name? She's got an amazing voice, but she's socially awkward, bless her heart.
I wanna go to the AI concert! Can you get tickets now? When is it?
I'm kinda eh about this season. :-( I usually love AI but some of the contestants this year annoy the hell outta me! Danny has GOT to go! Kris is my favorite and I would love to see Adam & Kris in the finals. I just do not get the appeal of Danny?? He seems so irrelevant & cheesy to me.
How the heck did you get it to say, "your comment is delicious"?? That's hilarious.
Anyway, I tried to watch this season..I reviewed nearly every episode last season, but this one- I just couldn't get into. I do like Danny though..and two of the girls I liked got the boot a long time ago. Aside from Adam murdering "ring of fire", I don't know anything about the other contestants. I did enjoy your review..but I gotta say, I hope you're wrong about your prediction. Hehe. :)
Love your AI thoughts. I am pretty much in agreement with you on this season- I think it will be Adam and Danny in the final. I like them both, but I'm quite sure Adamanda, I mean Adam, will win :) I also like Alison!
Adam is gonna win it all, baby! He is so not my type, but he is damn good. :nod
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