Did my title get your attention? Good. Please keep reading. This isn’t going to be a typical, light-hearted post. I hate that the introduction of my brand new nephew is going to be marred with what I write below, but I know that many of the readers of this blog are parents of young children – children who are still wearing diapers, children who may or may not be affected by the latest Pampers technology.
Earlier this year, Pampers came out with a new technology that supposedly keeps babies dryer and mommies happier. This new “Dry Max” formula, found in the Swaddlers and Cruisers styles, has done everything but keep babies dry and mommies happy. This new formula is causing chemical burns, blisters, rashes and wounds. Why are these diapers still on the shelves? Don’t ask Procter and Gamble – they’ll just tell you it’s a normal, run-of-the-mill diaper rash.
My sister has given me permission to post these photos and write about this issue. The best way to get the word out and prevent this from happening to other innocent children is to spread the word. I ask that you please tell everyone in your circle of friends, your Facebook/Twitter accounts, your blog followers, your email address book, family, etc. The more heat that Procter and Gamble feels, the better the chances are that they’ll actually, I don’t know, PULL THE DIAPERS FROM THE SHELVES!
Does this look normal to you? (Warning: The photos below are pretty hard to digest. This is my 1 week old nephew, the latest little victim of the chemicals used in the Dry Max Swaddlers.)
This is only after a few days of wearing the diapers. Imagine if we’d let him wear the diapers for longer.
If your child has been having more rashes than usual or sudden changes in his/her skin, please check to see if the diapers you’re using have the Dry Max technology. Whatever chemical they are using in those diapers is having an adverse reaction to some children’s skin. There are tens of thousands of parents in the same situation with their children. We just want P&G to own up to this issue and pull the products, that’s all. Many other products are pulled for far less, why are they dragging their feet on this? There is VISIBLE proof that these diapers are causing major problems. Spread the word!
If your child has been affected, here are some helpful links for you.
CPSC (to file a complaint against P&G)
800-638-2772 or https://www.cpsc.gov/cgibin/incident.aspx
Pampers Customer Complaints
Class Action Lawsuit Information
Article about lawsuit
Lawfirm: Keller Rohrback L.L.P.
Contact: Elise Bigley, (206) 623-1900, Email
Facebook Group (over 10k members already)
If your child has been affected and you would like to discuss this outside of my blog, please feel free to E-mail me. Anything that is discussed will be kept strictly confidential.

OMG!! I would be so infuriated if that happened to my child. I hope your nephew heals soon and that something is done about those diapers. Hundreds of people can't be wrong in certain cases.
That's horrible. I've read a lot of first hand account online about babies with terrible welts and rashes from these diapers. We use Luvs and have not ever had a giant red, peeling, diaper shaped burn.
Your poor nephew! I will pass this along b/c all parents should be aware of this problem.
I'm so sorry this happened to your nephew. Thank you for posting this.. I will be throwing mine out..
Oh my gosh! I can't believe those pictures! That makes me so sad for that tiny little boy. I had heard about the chemical burns but seeing the pictures really makes it hit home. We will be returning the pampers dry max that we bought after seeing these!
Oh my goodness Natalie. That poor little guy. :( I hope he heals quickly.
My little girl experienced this first hand as well. It happened almost spontaneously. She wore one diaper and got four blisters immediately. It was obvious when we had just bought the "new improved different diaper" and went to change the very first one! Thank goodness I immediately went out and bought a new pack of diapers, the blisters turned into sores for 3 days and are just now almost cleared up after a week. I could only imagine if I had placed another one on her. =[ it's sad because we've used pampers since she was born, and all we wanted was to try the "new and improved pampers"
OMG, this is disgusting. I'm going to link your post on my blog if that's okay. They must do something about this!
My son wore the same diapers for ONE day and his rash looked like someone poured hot oil on him. It spread to his thighs and it was awful for WEEKS. I immediately called Pampers (this was about 2 months ago) and complained. The operator simply said, "Oh we've been getting a lot of complaints like this. Do you want to try another box, or get your money back?"
Uhhh I want my kid to have a normal looking butt, boy bits, and legs, thank you.
Oh, that poor baby! A friend of mine's daughter has gotten a severe rash from the new pampers, too. They really should be removed from the shelves. That is crazy.
Just seeing those photos makes me soooooo mad! That poor little baby =(
This makes me glad I switched to cloth.
Aww poor little one. I just tossed my Pampers because of this. My daughter had a milder version happen when we used our box. I was even more disgusted about this when I saw how much of the "new and improved" gel is actually in the diapers. An unused diaper actually fell in with my laundry. The gel was all over our washer. It actually stuck to the tub and I had to run the cleaning cycle. It just makes you wonder what they put in that stuff.
That is awful! (We chose cloth because the chemicals in disposables scared the bajebus out of me. *shudder*)
This just makes me want to cry. I'm so pissed with P&G over this whole thing. There is no way I'm going to try these diapers with this next baby. I hope your nephew is better soon Nat!
poor baby!
My son had the same thing happen to him. I swore it was pampers diapers. I told my mother in law I swore up and down it was pampers. I took my son to the doctor and he said it was a yeast infection. Looked worse than the pictures of the little girl and it happened OVER night. It went away when I switched to Huggies. :)
Oh my gosh, poor baby. ::calling & texting all friends with wee-ones right now::
Omgosh...how awful. Poor little guy. I use Pampers but I don't know if they have the dry max. I will be checking, that's for sure. Thanks for the info. and I hope he gets better soon.
Hi Natalie, I have been hearing about these allegations!! Our local news I-Team reporters even interviewed a few local Moms here in the Cleveland area that were having simlar issues. How awful!! I have also heard that P&G is not owning up to this issue either. I am so glad you posted, I feel awful though that it was at the expense of your nephew. I hope he is already feeling better. I am a twitter follower and will re-tweet your post.
Horrifying. I'm so sorry this happened to your family.
I'm so sorry to hear about your little nephew! I hope he gets well soon.
We switched diapers because of this. DS wasn't getting a bad rash, but why risk it? Also, the new diapers leak too so what's the point in sticking with them?
I thank God every day that I switched to cloth diapers no more rashes!!!
I really sorry about your nephew.
Poor sweet baby. What irritates me the most is that P&G has not done, IMO, a decent job of handling the situation. They've basically admitted it was not their fault.
I know someone who complained and was sent a form letter saying that, basically, P&G does not believe there is anything wrong with the diapers... and... wait for it... a $2 coupon for dog food!
Omg this is the first I am hearing this!!!! Mycdaughter is 19 months and I used swaddlers when she was small!!! Thank god this didn't happen to her I'd be suein someone!!! I will be warning pol though!! Thank you for posting this!!! Makes me sick that they haven't had a mass recall!!!! Hope that poor baby heals!!!!
Just another FYI for mommies out there, Luvs are also made by P and G - they don't have the dry max formula, but out of principle maybe you don't want to be supporting them at all...
This absolutely disgusts me! I cannot believe that the CEO is speaking out and saying it's not their problem...she is a class act.
Grrrrr! Seeing poor little Jackson's burns breaks my heart!
I am so glad we made the switch to Huggies when Addison got mobile! I can not honestly even imagine how painful that must be for him! I hope there is a Class Action Lawsuit brought upon P&G/Pampers!
Hope he feels better soon!
I wish I had pictures of my friend's little 2 yo girl. She got horrible blistering rashes that hurt her so bad she just cried all the time. Then suddenly while talking to my friend on the phone I see this story on the news ticker on Fox. I couldn't believe it.
You have solved my son's bum problem!! I am so upset and at the same time filled with relief, I cried on the way to the store to get him different diapers! He has had a bleeding/blistery rash for the last 3 weeks of his 5 week life! I have tried every cream/powder on the market, had NUMEROUS dr's visits, and even changed his formula 4 times!!! Nothing has worked, except for bathing him in between every diaper change (which I've been doing every 30-60 minutes) and keeping him as dry as possible with corn starch and "air time". Now I realize the only reason that has worked is because I've been limiting contact between him and those stupid diapers!
I contacted CPSC and also emailed Elise Bigley. I am so upset about this! I hope you're little nephew is feeling better!
Kelly Adams
This has happened to my daughter (19m) as well...I have filed complaints with them. I hope they pull these diapers off the shelf ASAP. Oh, and I have another one on the way and have stocked up on the NON DRY MAX Pampers diapers. I <3 Pampers...just hate the Dry Max.
Thts y I use huggies!
My daughter also got a rash like this after Pampers decided to change their diapers. I was a Pampers SNOB until this. I won't touch another Pamper diaper-ever!
Poor baby boy.
This is SOOO sad. I used Baby Dry and if they switch those to the dry max, I'd switch asap.
I can't believe they are still selling them!!
This is horrible! I am very sorry for your nephew.
I believe that all disposable diapers are unsafe. After researching the chemicals used in all major brands of diapers, as well as the cost and environmental impact, I chose to cloth diaper my son. What happened to your nephew goes beyond my worst nightmares about disposable diapers. I hope he has made a full recovery.
Sorry to hear about your nephew! I hope he is healing well.
My niece got burns from them too. Thankfully I read about it on the bump and sent the information to my sister so she could know what was going on and switch diapers.
Natalie I work at Pampers as an online Community Manager. I am always out here looking for mentions of our products on the internet. Naturally, when I came across this post I cringed like any other mother would. I hope your nephew is feeling better and if no one has called us to report this, they should do so. We'd actually like to hear from anyone whose child has experienced a rash or something similar while wearing our diapers. You can reach us at 1-877-256-3265.We care deeply about the kids who wear Pampers and in many cases they are our own children. We have even asked consumers who are experiencing rash to be seen by pediatricians and dermatologists. I can assure you that we haven’t seen any confirmed cases of chemical burns, and again we hope to hear from anyone who has questions or concerns. LaToya@Pampers
Hope your nephew is doing better by now.I have been a pamper loyal customer since 1999 when I had my oldest Son.Now in 2009 we had another baby and I was so very happy with the Pampers Swaddlers.Worth the money and she never had any rashes until I used the NEW DRYMAX TECHNOLOGY swaddlers .There was no change in her routine so a diaper rash out of nowhere has to be justified by only one thing that is the NEW DRYMAX TECHNOLOGY.This is a sane conclusion for a baby who never had a single rash in 5 months no matter how long she remains in her diapers.
Well if Pampers wants to bury its head in sand and believes that babies developing rash only after wearing a single DRY MAX is just a coincidence ,then be it.In my family we have 8 mothers with babies in diapers so Pampers lost a lot of business from us.Each of us spreading the word so Pampers have no idea how much business they would loose and how much Huggies would benefit from this.
Excuse my language. That is horrifying! I can't imagine how awful his mommy feels :(
I had one of these DryMax diapers on Giovanni, and he was crying and saying "itchy back"... so I took off the diaper, to find his whole bum/belly beet red. I threw the box away and wrote to Pampers. I feel bad for anyone who has had to endure this from a formerly trusted brand. Pampers=FAIL.
LUVS are made by Pampers. They're the same formula except the tabs are different.
Unfortunately we don't have huggies in the uk anymore they have stopped selling them. We can only get the wipes. I will be checking my boys nappies before I buy them!! Thanks for the heads up xx hope your little one gets well soon. Xx
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