Many of us are blessed beyond measure. We have a roof over our heads, our health, a loving family, good friends, a job. Even if we don't have all of that, there are many aspects of our lives for which we can be thankful. Think nothing is going right for you? Sit down for 5 minutes and write down everything that is positive in your life. I can assure you that you have at least one thing to be grateful for - just the fact that you're alive and well enough to write a list is a step in the right direction.
So, why not share the wealth with someone else? Do a good deed. Pay it forward. You never know how you will bless someone else by doing something nice for them. It's the one principle in life I truly stand by.
My challenge to you today is to do something kind for someone else. Make a conscious effort to do three nice things for others this week. It can be something as simple as holding a door open for a stranger or visiting an elderly person who has no family. Just take the time to bless someone else. If you want to share your experience, e-mail me, and I'll post about it on here (I can post it anonymously if you choose).
Click me.
If you have a blog, challenge others to do the same. I think we often forget how much we can touch other people's lives just by being kind and thoughtful.
You've been challenged. Go.
The fires in L.A.
1 week ago
Natalie, I'm happy I found your blog! You're a great writer and I've always been a huge believer in "Pay it Forward."
love it... got my post for the day!
I love this! That's why I love my job so much. Even though sometimes I complain about it, I truly love helping my patients. Even if it's just getting them a blanket, or some juice. It makes you feel so good to help people, and make a difference. :)
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