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Thursday, May 28, 2009

How do you roll?

How do you setup your toilet paper?

With the end in front:

Or the end in back:

Humor me here.


Mandy Ford Art & Illustration said...

Definitely in front...underneath bugs the crap out of me.

Mrs. H said...

In the back. I can't ever seem to get a clean tear when it's in the front cause it keeps rollin'
That's how I roll!

Madeline said...

There is only 1 way in my house. FRONT. And of course even after 5 years of living together, my husband still can't figure it out!!! Bugz the CRAP out of me (no pun intended).

Joi said...

Hmmmm...just depends. Whatever way it ends up is the ways it's stays. I'm surprised I'm not more particular about it myself!

P.S. Love your blog...found it via VAMH : )

Victoria said...

End in front! I'm very anal about that too, I hate it when it's under

Lauren and Matt said...

End in the FRONT!

Kent said...

Oh I'm a fanatic about this - END MUST BE IN FRONT! Otherwise it drives me crazy! hehe

Anonymous said...

End in front. Duh. Doesn't everyone??

Freckles Chick said...

Full frontal! Wait, that came out wrong....wait THAT sounded wrong too.
Dang it.


Allison aka Half of VAMH said...

End in front fo' sure

Tasha - The Clean Eating Mama said...


Crystal said...

front.. and I'll change it if it's otherwise.. :)

Jenna said...

Front front front!

Myndee said...

The first way..over. Dh doesn't allow under in our house. Haha.

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